The Tenth Amendment is ignored by our courts because it takes power away from the three branches of government. But the Tenth Amendment was meant to reign in the power-hungry governments, because it explicitly limits them to specific powers. Judges don’t like the Tenth Amendment because it reigns in their activist tendencies. The founding fathers intended the powers of the government be limited to explicit clauses or not at all:

Tenth Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.

In Catastrophic Thinking, this is the most important clause in the Constitution, because there will be no federal or State government operating in the Catastrophe Zone. Instead, people must fend for themselves. The unwritten common law will be what governs. People will have those certain unalienable rights. No, I’m not talking about life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. I’m referring to the more basic rights like survival, self-defense, and your home is your castle.

Catastrophic Thinking implicitly suggests restoring the family rights under an expansion of the Tenth Amendment in areas like free speech with civility and nonviolence and respecting the rights of privacy of others, stand-your-ground rights, parental rights, personal gun rights, no federal interference with education, and the power to defend your castle with deadly force. Some States do some of this. Some do not.

If we don’t take these steps with respect to gun rights, personal defense, and defense of the home, we will rapidly become a nation of looters, squatters, and gang law. It has been instructive that in some jurisdictions, homeowners are charged with homicide if they shoot an intruder dead. In some jurisdictions, squatting trespassers have more rights than homeowners. You can’t evict them without a court proceeding. They can live in your home for months until the Sheriff gets a court order to forcibly evict them. Then they will sue you for whatever trumped up legal theories they can think of. The laws should grant to homeowners the right to evict the squatter the same day they show the court they are taxpayers claiming a homestead exemption. That’s all it should take. For more on these perversions of justice, research El Paso County Judge rules in squatter’s favor on May 25, 2020. The squatter sued the homeowners from prison. Please find cases in the state where you live and blog them please.

There’s another law that should be. Felons cannot sue from prison for any reason OR at any time for a case or claim in any way related to their felony. Even as a counterclaim. Further let Statutes of Limitation run during their prison stay.

Finally, there are sound catastrophic reasons for a national health data base, accessible to patients, which stores our medical records. In a catastrophe, the local hospitals and doctor offices may be destroyed. You should have automatic prescriptions for life for diabetes, epilepsy, and heart conditions. Then as a refugee, you will be able to obtain life-saving medicines without having to arrange a doctor’s appointment at some overworked facility near where you happen to have ended up homeless. The national database will be stored in triplicate, at three separate locations.


